Shavuot (Judaism)

Project Overview

This project teaches children about Shavuot. The word Shavuot means ‘weeks’ and the festival of Shavuot is celebrated 50 days (seven weeks) after Passover. Practising Jews celebrate the gift of the Torah and the Ten Commandments by visiting the synagogue, studying the Torah scrolls (sometimes all night) and possibly eating cheesecake. Shavuot is also a harvest festival that celebrates the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest in Israel.

What’s included

Shavuot (Judaism) is a comprehensive project that boasts an array of essentials including:





Knowledge Organiser

Project scope

Shavuot (Judaism) provides a structured approach to religious education, outlining key subjects and topics including:

Subjects icon

  • PSHE
  • Religious education
Subjects icon

  • Harvest
  • Judaism
  • Shavuot
  • The Ten Commandments
  • The Torah