Our Story
What do a city in the north of Italy and the suburbs of South Yorkshire have in common?
Answer: They both played a part in the beginnings of Cornerstones. Read our story to learn more!
A need for change
In 2010, after years of the QCA schemes of work, the national strategies and pressure to teach to SATs, our founder Simon, like many other primary heads at the time, witnessed a slow and creeping narrowing of his school’s curriculum, a decrease in teacher motivation and a lack of children’s engagement in their learning. For Simon, something needed to change and fast.
Inspiration from far away
Be the change you want to see
From acorns to oak trees
Where we are now
“Our previous curriculum wasn't sequential at all. It jumped all over the place. As there were no flow, children were not able to make any links from prior learning. Whereas now, children are already making links!”
Claire Taylor, Year 5 Teacher – History Lead
Churchfield Primary School