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Data and Reporting

Full analysis and reports based on what the children have been taught. 

A comprehensive, interactive analysis and reporting system with a plethora of insightful reports to support learning and save teachers, subject and senior leaders hours of time.  

Class Attainment

Instant information about a current class’s attainment, learning and coverage of the school’s curriculum. 

Group analysis

Integrate year group, class or group  insightful attainment and progress data between two points in time.

Monitor progress

See the progress of a class, cohort, group or individual pupils between two different assessment points.

Analyse Teacher Assessments

View the teacher assessments for single or multiple year groups, classes or learning groups, and drill down into the actual judgements for each pupil or pupil group.

Subject progression report

View all the teacher assessment information for a class or cohort in a single subject.



School and Trust dashboard

Information collated from across your school/s for quick-glance monitoring of the learning taking place.


EYFS GLD report

Look at historic GLD, Good Level of Development, for each cohort of children.

Pupil reports

Fully customisable. pupil reports pulls through all inputted assessment.

Governor report

Governor assessment data reports prepared at the click of a button.

“All of your teachers need to know what went before and what’s coming after in the curriculum. Maestro enables teachers to log on and see that, so I’m really excited. I’m quite looking forward to Ofsted coming back in.”

Vicky Musson, Headteacher

Queen Emma’s Primary School

Queen Emma's Primary School Logo