This week the Curriculum and Review group released their Interim Report, but what does it tell us about the changes in store for the primary curriculum? In this blog, I’ll take a look at some of the key takeaways for primary schools as regards the curriculum and assessment.
The review is ongoing with a final report and recommendations due to be published in autumn 2025.
Key take aways
1. The system doesn’t work well for all
The Report states that children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) ‘make less progress than their peers’ and the socio-economic gap ‘remains stubbornly large’. The review also states that ‘We shall take steps to ensure that the curriculum and assessment system reflects high expectations for all and properly supports the progress and achievement of all young people.’
2. Maintain and build on a knowledge rich approach (but also develop skills)
The Report states that the new curriculum will build on the work schools have already done on building a knowledge rich approach to the curriculum. However, it also acknowledges that ‘The Review will develop a cutting-edge curriculum, equipping children and young people with the essential knowledge and skills which will enable them to adapt and thrive in the world and workplace of the future’. What’s more, the Report also states that the curriculum should allow all young people to fully master the fundamental knowledge and disciplinary skills that education should provide.
3. A broad and balanced curriculum remains
Throughout the Report there is reference to the importance of having a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum. The Report also states that there are issues around the amount of content in the curriculum. This means that teachers struggle to cover all the programmes of study which in turn affects children’s ability to master foundational concepts. As a result, the review will address the volume of specified content.
4. Subjects
The Review states that specificity, relevance, volume and diversity of content requires further analysis to diagnose the specific issues of each subject and that they will explore a range of solutions for this. Expect some subjects to be slimmed down.
5. Diversity
The Report states that the national curriculum should foster ‘a love of learning’ and that local, national and global perspectives need to be considered. This includes making sure that all children see representations of themselves and their cultures in the curriculum. The curriculum should also enable children to encounter and recognise the perspectives of others.
6. Sequencing
Coherence and sequencing remain important for the curriculum and The Report highlights how the new curriculum should allow space for children to master core concepts and make progress.
7. Teacher autonomy
The Report states that teachers should be able to use their professional knowledge and expertise to design and select engaging and stretching curriculum.
8. RE and RSHE
While schools are currently required to provide RE and RSHE, they are not part of the national curriculum. Because of this the Report states that a lack of agreed national content has led to disparities in provision. The Review will consider if there is any way to address this.
9. Technology and digital literacy
The Report states that attention is needed ‘to address opportunities and challenges created by our fast-changing world’. This also includes the rise of AI and trends in digital information. Likewise, The Review will also consider how the curriculum can address global social and environmental challenges.
10. A phased approach
The Report will recommend a phased programme of work in different subjects or subject areas. This should, in theory, allow reforms to be made gradually and without destabilising the system.
When will we know more about the Curriculum and Assessment Review?
The Review will publish its final report in autumn 2025. Between now and then, they will explore each subject’s ‘specific issues’ and test a range of solutions.